In an effort to continually improve the immersive learning associated with the Simulation Center, Conway School of Nursing faculty are actively involved in process improvement,pedagogical development and the publication of simulation research. 


Moore, J., Jairath, N., Montejo, L., O’Brien, S., & Want, D. (2023). Telehealth Simulation: Effect on Nurse Learner Knowledge, Confidence, and Attitudes. Nursing Education Perspectives.

Moore, J., Jairath, N., Montejo, L., O’Brien, S., & Want, D. (2023). Using a Telehealth Simulation to Prepare Nursing Students for Intraprofessional Collaboration. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 78, 1–6.

Want, David R.; Cieslowski, Bethany J..(2022) Telepresence: An Innovative Teaching Modality to Enrich Simulation and Remote Learning. Nursing Education Perspectives ():10.1097/01. October 25, 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000001068

Want, D. & Cieslowski, B. (2022). Using Telepresence to Enhance Learner Engagement. Nurse Educator, 47 (1), 5-5. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001051.

Prior to 2022

Moreland, S., Lemieux, M. & Myers, A. (2012). End-of-life Care and the Use of Simulation in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship9(1).