1. Students are admitted directly into to the Conway School of Nursing (CSON).
  2. Freshman and sophomore students pursue a general liberal education, take foundational science and math courses, and learn about the profession of nursing through selected courses. The liberal arts courses that meet general education requirements and include The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021) promulgated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
  3. Freshman and Sophomore students are assigned an advisor.
  4. Freshman and Sophomore students are invited to participate in a variety of programs, including the Spanish for Healthcare Certificate Program and the Student Nurses Association.
  5. Students are continually reviewed their first two years in the CSON. If they do not meet the Cumulative and Science GPA requirements  or if they have not completed the freshman program plan (outlined below), their entire record will be evaluated to determine if they can continue.
  6. At the completion of 60 credit hours, CSON students who meet ALL of the following criteria will progress to the upper-level courses:
  • Catholic University Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Overall Catholic University Science GPA (BIO 232, BIO 233, BIO 223, CHEM 109, CHEM 119) of at least 2.75. All of these courses must be attempted once at Catholic University. A student may repeat no more than one science course.  An attempt is defined as enrollment in a class with the following indication on a transcript a) course grade, b) incomplete = I, c) Withdraw = W.
  • Successful completion of progression exam (HESI A2 Admissions exam) during the fall semester of the sophomore year, with a minimum composite score of 75% and 75% or higher on the science, English and math composite scores.

In addition to the university requirements, high school courses in biology and chemistry are required. Admission to the school is competitive.  Undergraduate admissions to the Conway School of Nursing are coordinated by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.