Dr. Joyce E. Johnson, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FAAN, Ordinary Professor in the Conway School of Nursing, joined the faculty in 2015 after 30 years in executive-level leadership positions at major teaching and university-based healthcare facilities. Her successes with organizational culture change, quality improvement, and patient safety earned her national awards from both the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Johnson's clinical interests reside not only in acute care, emergency room, and critical care nursing, but also extend to nurse practitioner-run ambulatory care practices and advancements in telehealth. Her numerous publications reflect her interest in advancing business case and policy development for effective leadership practice, information technology, and evidence-based quality improvement as well as supporting nurses in developing financial management skills, and enhancing rigor in dissertation and EBP project development and in scholarly academic and professional writing.
In addition to holding a number of faculty appointments during her years in practice settings, Dr. Johnson has lectured nationally and internationally and published numerous articles on a variety of contemporary topics ranging from nurse shortages/retirement, practice, leadership, and manpower challenges, to the projected Boomer tsunami that awaits the healthcare industry. Her dissertation and EBP project guidance include topics such as self-compassion and caregiver stress, EMR template enhancements for ambulatory practice preventative care, older adult sedentary behavior, self-care and self-compassion in bedside nurses, mindfulness and missed nursing care, opioid prescribing, depreciating and misuse, maternal lived experience related to an unborn child with fetal structural abnormalities, the stigma associated with HIV during intrapartum, and quality of life in women with bleeding disorders.
Dr. Johnson functioned as the Associate Editor, Nursing Forum, and for 13 years founded and published Nursing Connections, the first nationally refereed scholarly journal to be published from a practice setting. She has served on the Boards of the NLN, AONL and has offered testimony on contemporary health care issues for several congressional committees. She enjoys focusing on the professional advancement of nurses through research/EBP intervention and publication, academic achievement, and the acquisition of sound leadership essentials.