Mairin Fallon is a Conway School of Nursing graduate, Class of 2022. She's a registered nurse at Newport Healthcare/Institute. She shares her advice for the incoming Class of 2027.
Why did you choose the Conway School of Nursing at Catholic University?
"I choose the Conway School of Nursing because it had a great academic nursing program, but also had wonderful clinical experiences in Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia. The Conway School teaches nurses to be for the whole person; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
Tell me about one of your favorite memories of the nursing school or Catholic University.
"One of my favorite memories of the Conway School of Nursing was during my freshman year anatomy when our professor dressed up in a turkey costume before Thanksgiving break. It was one of the most fun classes I had in my freshman year."
How did your education and your experience at the School of Nursing or University change you?
"My education and my experience at the Conway School of Nursing changed me and helped me to become a more well-rounded nurse."
What advice do you have for the incoming class of 2027?
"Participate in extracurriculars/activities that you wouldn’t necessarily do; you never know what you might like if you never try it once. The friends you meet freshman year might not be the friends you have senior year. The experience and friendships you make last long past college. Be brave and be the first one to approach people. You might just be talking to your new best friend!"