Sarah Dern is a Nursing major from Doylestown, PA. She shares why she chose to attend Catholic University and the Conway School of Nursing, and what advice she has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University?
"I chose Catholic University because it was one of the few universities that offered nursing students the opportunity to study abroad. My faith is important to me, but I was also focused on what Catholic University could do to advance my education."
Why do you want to be a nurse?
"Nursing is more than a career, it is a vocation. I feel that God called me from a very young age to be His servant in the form of a nurse. In this field, we are all called to see the unseen; the patients who no one wants to care for, over and over again throughout the day.
Nursing is a field where I can personally share my love for every person that I encounter. Remembering this is what keeps me going through those challenging days of schooling. It is all worth it to one day be called a nurse."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"My favorite part of being a student is the continuous support and development I receive from my teachers, spiritual guides, and friends. Since the size of the nursing school is not too large, I have been able to form a relationship with my professors and the various deans to a point where I can come to any of them with a concern and immediately feel heard. As a community, we all help one another with understanding and remembering the beauty of nursing."
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"Strive for greatness not only in your academics, but also in every little thing that you do throughout your time at Catholic. This school has opportunities, community and strong faith, but it will not come without you putting yourself out to find it. Go forward and be the best student, friend, and follower of the Lord that you can be."