Whitney Paulson, Catholic '24, is a Nursing and Theology & Religious Studies major from Traverse City, MI. She shares why she chose to attend Catholic University and the Conway School of Nursing, and what advice she has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University?
"Even though there were many things that fed into my decision to commit to Catholic U, it is the university’s Catholic identity that solidified that CUA was the place for me!"
Why do you want to be a nurse?
"Nurses have a unique place in healthcare where we get to interact with each patient personally. As a result, nurses are the first line of defense for our patients in terms of advocacy, and it becomes easy to recognize the dignity of each patient."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"My favorite parts of being a student at Catholic has been meeting other college students on mission for Christ and the weather!"
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"No matter where you decide to go to college, get involved as much as you can. Being part of different student organizations is how you meet people and build relationships that can become lifelong!"